Haf Inglish proegram iydias
Note: the prefix "dis-" means "oppisit of". "Werdery" means "dictionary" (litterully, "place for werds".)
Soundic uttack
Haf Inglish has soundic spelling, but like English, it has diseasy spelling rules. I woood like to make a vidio game to help persuns to practis to decode spellings.
Base.d on Tetris Uttack, Soundic Uttack woood sho yoo piles of blocks. Each block is labullated with up to five letters and/or simbuls (puncchuayshun). One letter is bold, uujhoolly a vowl or dipthong. Yor goal is to remember the sound that the secund letter makes (which chainjes base.d on the after.ic letters), fiynd uther blocks thut represent the same sound, and moov the relate.d blocks into lines to make them disuppear (gaining points at the same time). The cullers of the blocks under the pointer are sho.d temporerrily. A simmiller game coood be made base.d on Dr. Mario.
Spelling checker/grammer highlighter/werdery
A smaal proegram that checks each werd ugainst the Haf Inglish werd data.set. It coood identifyy misspell.d werds (with red underlines), uuz cullers to identifyy vowls, and uuz styles to identifyy parts of speakness (speshully verbs, the center.ic part of eny sentunce). Nowicly, I myyself often make Haf Inglish spelling errors cuz byy habbit I uuz English spellings. This kiynd of proegram woood be helpful for myy oen writing, not oenly for uthers. Allso, when there be th.ree vowls (or speshul disvowls) in a row, it is less clear which soundic rules applyy, so a proegram woood help to disambiguuify.
The proegram shoood include a werdery with define.shuns. I woood allso like to hav a data.set of fotoes of nouns, so that meaning can be sho.d seeicly.